I wait, upbeat and exciting, for the day when the world leaves them immoral to tell women how they should or should not dress. Nothing seems to me unreasonable, but to assume that because a woman dress a certain way, then she must have a certain person to carry. She is kúguð if it is a bad one, she is promiscuous if she walks in when the shaft, and she is mad if she paints herself a lot. These strange myths recognize indeed all, whether we believe them or not, but we also recognize the saying "do not judge a book by its cover." I'm wise to assume that I can not judge a person from the way in which the clothes herff jones themselves. We are all influenced by the society in which we are a part of, so certainly make many Muslim women mother Slaeda precisely because herff jones their community is natural to women running with dim. Just as we deem appropriate to women running pants because it is normal in our society today. I am not denying that some women are required to dress in one way or another, it may well be that there are Muslim women in Europe are forced to wear some sort of negative. Although it seems to me arfavitlaust assume herff jones that all women with mother Slaeda are forced to wear it, just as I would strange to say that women in Iceland was forced to walk in the pants.
In 2004 came into force the law in France banning all trúartákn schools, tertiary exception. The French authorities argued that the new law was justified in light of the separation of church and state in France, though the separation has actually been present in the country herff jones for almost a hundred years without the need was perceived in this legislation. Legislation was widely criticized as most seemed obvious that the law actually directed against Muslims and with the women and girls who cover their hair and / or face a negative. Despite harsh criticism from both the religious leaders, religious groups, feminists, and who said the legislation testify about prejudice against Muslims, sat the French Government with his jig. The government was not there as in 2010 entered into effect a law prohibiting people to cover their faces in public. As with earlier legislation was obvious that many songs directed almost exclusively to Muslim women, as some Muslim women wear the niqab or behind herff jones a burkha, but both covers high woman and the majority of her face. New legislation was also widely criticized since she seemed to bear witness to the Islamic homophobia, she was constrained freedom of the individual, and it was witnessed by paternalistic towards women. Reactions were such that a mother Slaeda ban would actually be to safeguard gender equality and respect for women .Persónulega seems to me doubtful to say that a law prohibiting women to dress in a certain way exacerbates gender equality, as I am of the opinion that gender equality is not based on clothing for women.
Recently went to 24-year-old French woman of this legislation for the European Court. She argued that búrkubannið called from 2010 was contrary to religion and its constitutes discrimination and it also noted that she thought it humiliating herff jones to be forced to take down the veils in public. She was, however, willing to show his face for security reasons (eg airports), and last but not least, she confirmed that she would not be forced to wear behind a burkha. This, she said two main arguments in support herff jones of the ban, which was that women were forced to cover his face with his hand, and, on the ban should Burka and niqab for security reasons. At the beginning herff jones of this month úrksurðaði European Court, however, the French búrkubanninu favor. The European Court, in other words the view that it is okay to tell women how they should or should not dress.
The problem with búrkubannið is twofold. Firstly weigh the rights of women to dress as she likes to dress, and on the other hand seems to me obvious that the ban is a manifestation of the great Islamic homophobia that exists in Europe today. herff jones The French government argues that in fact firmly to búrkubannið has nothing to do with racism do. She asked the European Court to dismiss the case, on the grounds that the ban would not be directed against the Burka or veil Muslims carry, but against all possible types to cover their faces in public. Personally, I'm doubtful that the government is not completely true. Firstly, it is almost exclusively Muslim women who cover their faces, herff jones and secondly, I can not see why the French government was suddenly important to forbid people to walk with lambhúshettur herff jones and masks that cover part of the face. We do, after all, many think Burka and niqab be a manifestation of oppression of Muslim women in the light of the legislation perhaps understandable, although I certainly do not agree with it. But I can not
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