Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Until the day of the wedding we did not know anything about the wedding dress which will wear the pr

Hi my lovelies . I was off for a few days , I know , and I apologize for that . I hope during that time something nice happened to you , hope that you enjoyed these few days off for these holidays and you're ready to read my posts . I planned to skip the theme " Royal Wedding " , but I really wedding cupcakes can't. This is an event that really impressed me and which er do not have the opportunity to see every day . Maybe it is boring for you to read again about it , because almost all of my colleagues informed you in detail about this wedding, on time .... anyway I would like to look at my post . So , let's see how was at this famously wedding of Prince William (28 ) and Kate Middleton (29 ) ! As you can see she is one year older than him , but as it says : " Love does not know for years " ... : )
Cao dragi moji. Nije me bilo nekoliko dana, znam, i izvinjavam se zbog toga. Nadam se da vam se za to vreme desilo nesto lepo, da ste uzivali tokom par slobodnih dana zbog ovih praznika i da ste spremni da citate moje postove. wedding cupcakes Planirala sam da preskocim temu "Royal Wedding", ali jednostavno ne mogu. To je dogadjaj kojim sam se stvarno odusevila i koji nemamo prilike da vidimo svaki dan. Mozda ce vam biti dosadno da citate ponovo o tome, jer su vas skoro sve moje kolege u detalje informisale o svemu tome, na vreme....ali bih ipak volela da bacite pogled i na moj post. Dakle, da se prisetimo kako je to izgledalo wedding cupcakes ovo famozno vencanje princa Vilijama (28) i Kejt Midlton (29)! Kao sto vidite ona je jednu godinu starija od njega, ali kako se kaze: "Ljubav ne zna za godine"... :)
Until the day of the wedding we did not know anything about the wedding dress which will wear the princess . She really well hid all the details about it. And then 04/29/2011 she appeared in a long , classic , handmade , silk , ivory colour wedding dress , designed by Sarah Burton , Alexander McQueen fashion houses . With lots of lace , in the shapes of flowers , she was decent wedding cupcakes . Dress was 2.17 meters long , on hear head she was wearing a veil decorated with a diadem , which is borrowed wedding cupcakes from the Queen Elizabeth II . For this wedding dress was necessary to set aside 285,000 euros . What do you think , worth it or not? : ) Of the jewelry she had just a drop-shaped earrings , but of course not so cheap because they are made of diamonds . And then , of course , her husband put her a wedding ring . Although there is not the end . The celebration just started . For evening party Kate changed her clothes , but still wearing a piece of Alexander McQueen - champagne dress , which you can see at the picture . Sve do dana vencanja nismo znali nista o vencanici koju ce nositi ova princeza. Dobro je krila sve detalje. A onda se 29.04.2011. pojavila u dugoj, klasicnoj, rucno radjenoj, svilenoj vencanici boje slonovace, koju je dizajnirala Sarah Burton, modne kuce Alexander McQueen. Uz puno cipke, u oblicima cveca, izgledala je pristojno. wedding cupcakes Slep je bio dugacak 2,17 metara dok je na glavi nosila veo ukrasen dijademom, pozajmljen od kraljice Elizabete II. Za ovakvu vencanicu bilo je potrebno wedding cupcakes izdvojiti 285.000 evra. Sta vi mislite, vredi li? :) Od nakita je imala samo mindjuse u obliku kapi, ali ni malo jeftine s' obzirom da su od dijamanata. wedding cupcakes A posle je, naravno, imala i verenicki prsten. Mada, tu nije kraj. Slavlje tek pocinje. Za vecernju zurku Kejt se presvukla, ali je i dalje na sebi imala komad kuce Alexander McQueen - haljinu boje sampanjca koju mozete videti na slici.
When it comes to make-up , there was no overstatemen . As you can see the make-up was quite simple. It fits great with her ​​face and with clothing combination . Although , you are probably thinking who is responsible wedding cupcakes for the make-up. If I say that the make-up is her work , you may not believe me . But , it's truth , and I think she did the job great .
Kada je make up u pitanju, nije bilo preterivanja. Kao sto mozete da vidite bio je sasvim jednostavan koji se lepo uklopio i uz njeno lice, i uz odevnu kombinaciju. Mada, verovatno razmisljate koga li je unajmila za sminkanje. Kad vam kazem da se sama sminkala, mozda mi necete verovati. Ali, stvarno je tako, i mislim da je dobro odradila ovaj posao.
About him there is not much to talk . His outfit shows his personality . The only thing we can comment is his smile after the wedding , so we make it clear that he is more than a happy . And that looked exactly wedding cupcakes like this :
O njemu nema mnogo da se prica. Njegova odevna kombinacija zapravo prikazuje njegovu licnost. Jedino sto mozemo prokomentarisati jeste njegov osmeh posle vencanja koji nam jasno stavlja do znanja da je i vise nego presrecan. A on je izgledao upravo ovako: 
A couple of days after the wedding of Prince and Princess , the Katie's sister Pippi Middleton is still one of the main themes . Her beauty glittered on the wedding , and now it shines almost in all newspapers , blogs , all over the internet ...etc. Whatever you wear , it will look nice .

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