Sunday, May 31, 2015

2015 (78) May (20) April (20) the issue of work? Behold a walk right now, even your emotional

[Inde sympathy and articles from the speech, along with images of Brene Brown for sympathy, had never shared before, share in the subtitle data infancy to full naohneunge. bhldn Just look at the English bhldn are understood, film haenotgo translation of it, it looks a little awkward but ... why? ㅋㅋ never written before, it seems that a distinction writing about compassion and empathy. In simple words, assuming that I was sympathetic listener, with the same feel and emotion of the speaker to look at that person's bhldn position ... is it just sympathy. When the speaker identification is to say, there is something bhldn of my reaction appears. The most important one ansseureoum, pity, etc. garyeonham doegetda. To put this figure as shown below.] ** Briefly illustrates the empathy and sympathy (details are omitted) ** empathy [Speaker] ---- [audience], "sad", "sadness" sympathy [Speaker] ---- [audience], "sorrow", "ansseureoum, pity, etc. garyeonham" sympathy (sympathy) and sympathy (empathy) of the difference between (The Difference bhldn Between Sympathy And Empathy) THE MIND UNLEASHED on 12 January, 2015 at 12:45 This beautifully animated made into a video, empathic from RSA (empathetic) and the sympathetic response (sympathetic) is quoted on the differences between the responses of some of the lectures Dr Brené Brown. That image is neatly illustrates the difficult topic to show the results of two reactions. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone of your position that he understood bhldn jieoseo the best relationship you can have with respect to what would feel in that situation. The peculiarity of expressing bhldn feeling and understanding bhldn it is the second stage of empathy. Other reactions of others to listen to the problem bhldn is to represent the identified. The ability to express compassion "culturally acceptable" Joe's for adversity. This involves bhldn long pointed to a bright hope in that situation, but not always worth it helpful. Empathy is more difficult to achieve due to a number of reasons. We, as well as to actively listen to the problems of others without judgment, bhldn must be honest with ourselves and others about our feelings as audience. Adopt the bridge that links the enforcement of health and positive for both trust and understanding. After that, it may be appropriate to find a solution. Family member or friend that you trust anything the world does not feel good I feel me more than I understand the admission standing. It's making me more feel good, that's why it's only because I often forget in my life, to demonstrate my real position. Next time, if you the public about the problem bhldn to someone, try to see what they are telling example. Would receive the help they are giving, the first step is a complete poet. I know that is hard to pass themselves more willing to unnecessary suffering, when you do, you will feel better more. It says a similar feel in a similar situation to strengthen the health of the entire community, bhldn as well as connecting two of you. We all suffer pain at some point, to speak it, we can help each other through a truly difficult. <Description speech Differences subtitles Brene Brown's interpretation of empathy and sympathy> Video Then, what is empathy, and why it is surprisingly sympathetic? Sympathetic provides fuel to the connection. I pity lead to disconnection. Theresa Wiseman has studied a wide variety of areas were, he said that that sympathy is composed of four empathy trait related to each other is very interesting. Taking the perspective - taking the point of view of others, or their ability to recognize their perspective as truth. Apart from the judgment, you is not easy in fact when I Like everyone of us enjoyed it. Recognize emotions in others, and to communicate it. To feel empathy with people. I always thought empathy sacred space (sacred space). Someone in a deep dark hole and doeeoteo they overwhelm you ... .IT'S DARK when I yell at the bottom .I'M OVERWHELME and we report says. "Hey!" And it goes down. I know what is down here. And you're not alone. Pity .. "Ooh!" Not bad ... "It's bad, uh-huh?" bhldn Uh, no. You want to eat a sandwich? "Uh ... No. You want a sandwich?" Sympathy is selected, it is vulnerable bhldn selected. In order to connect with you, I have to connect with something inside of me knows that feeling. Rare, empathic responses are also beginning words "at (At least) ...". We always do it. Because, you know, someone bhldn to do something they loved it nanueotgo and we suffered incredibly, we are attempting "to see the bright side" to it. I do not think it's a verb. However, I have been using it as a single. We are trying to put a bright face on around it. So, "I bhldn had a miscarriage." "At least, I know that you can be pregnant." "I'm coming down my marriage, in my opinion." "At least, you did get married." "John is got kicked out of school." bhldn "At least it thats Sarah is a student." One of the things in the face of very difficult bhldn times that our conversation is to try to make things better. If I divide something bhldn with you very hard, I expect you to say so. "I may not know what to say. I'm just so glad to tell me who you are." The truth is rarely so because a better response is to create something better. It is better to make something a connection. [Original Source]
2015 (78) May (20) April (20) the issue of work? Behold a walk right now, even your emotional body to be kind to yourself Girard (Bodily bhldn maps of emotions) How does reduce the compassion meditation the mind wanders sympathy (sympathy) and sympathy (empathy) means many of the differences between mindfulness you When you think this can not be done, self-training how to go uneasy compassion? 3 ways to get out of panic mode, try this one thing to feel a sense of connection Is more you have three warning signs to relieve chronic pain that the unhealthy relationship between mindfulness cycle ergo friends, enemies Is it? The reason bhldn for the choice you have an unhealthy self-pity - 18 kinds of hit (self-compassion) these five strategies you three ways to live a life of 25 sayings of the Buddha mindfulness to change my mind for life to open a new form of meditation for spiritual teaching their children: to follow a new comparison (Comparison) well-meditation, meditation untested March (22) February (16)

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